52词语>英语词典>Allium sativum翻译和用法

Allium sativum

网络  大蒜; 大蒜精油; 百合科; 葱科葱属植物大蒜


  • Imbalance chromosomal disjunction was common in the induced autotetraploids, which mostly gave rise to aberrant gametes, with different viability. INDUCTION OF SYNCHRONY AND ISOLATION OF METAPHASE CHROMSOMES FROM MITOTIC ROOT TIP CELLS IN ALLIUM SATIVUM
  • The antioxidant effects of Allium cepa, Zingiber officinale, Allium sativum and Allium fistulosum at normal temperature and their juice at 100 ℃ were studied by DPPH method The results indicate that all of the treated vegetable crops have antioxidant activities;
  • Dynamic Changes of Nucleolar Ultrastructure and the Sites of rRNA Transcription and Processing during the Cell Cycle in Allium Sativum
  • Garlic is the bulbs of Liliaceae allium sativum. Thousand years of epidemiological studies and clinical uses have shown that garlic possesses serious pharmacological effects such as tumor reduction, anti-atherosclerosis, blood lipids and sugar modulation, antifungal, antimicrobial, and stimulating immune system.
  • A Study on the Aberration of the Root Cells of Allium Sativum Induced by Colcemid
  • Studies on the Virus-free Technology of Stem-tip and Tissue Culture in Allium sativum
  • Ultrastructural studies on peripheral cells of root cap of Allium sativum in the process of programmed cell death
  • Called Allium sativum, garlic is one of the most studied herbs in relation to heart benefits.
  • Studies on the metaphase chromosome proteins in Allium sativum
  • Researches on Extracting Oil and Raising the Extracting Rate from Allium Sativum